Yariv, The Ners couple

The Last Step

Irit, The Ners couple

Some kind of super sentece that teels us what the show is all about

The Nerds couple picture

The last Step

Some text about the show It should be pretty short.

Since not so many people really read text. people mostly look at pictures, icons and other visual elements. The text shoud give the user some general info about the show and make him want to see it!

Children friendly

Show time: 45 min.

Technical info

Available Electricity

Prefered in a closed enviroment

My name is Nir, and I have been involved in circus for over 20 years. I live and breathe the circus and happy to convey to you the professionalism and passion I have for the circus

I invite you to enjoy an original and challenging show and come fly with me.

The Nerds animated gif

contact me

web&design: UltraLutra